Monday, September 30, 2013

Léon: The Professional Comic Page

This is a single comic book page on one of my favorite movies of all time! 

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Sunday, September 15, 2013

No Win Situation!

A geisha is hunted down by a ninja wielding a katana and a jet launching a missile at both of them! 

Kim Lenz Caricature

Joaquin Phoenix Caricature

Remember when he wrapped foil on his head from Signs? He looks like Hersey's Kisses candy-head

A Bowling Life

This is actually my very first Comic Strip

Imagine U.S. Politics were more like Action-Movies

This was my first attempt for a New Yorker Comic Strip

A Key To Love is Through The Stomach

Treasure Hearts Book Cover

Creature Comforts Comic Strip - Pg.5

Finally Creature Comforts is in color! 
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Creature Comforts Comic Strips - Pg.4

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Creature Comforts Comic Strip - Pg.3

Sorry that this piece is incomplete but I had no time to finish what I started

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Creature Comforts Comic Strip - Pg.2

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Creature Comforts Comic Strip

In hopes to make comic strips for a newspaper, this is my attempt in doing so

My Space Shuttle

I love science fiction taken place into space so I made an illustration out of it

My Film Noir Piece

I love Film Noir and this was my attempt to draw it.

Dead Hand - One of the scariest moment in video games

Bloodthirsty - A Comic Book Page

Bloodthirsty Cover - My Own Comic Series

Scheme To Turn Her into a Vampire

This is a Concept Art for Vampire: The Masquerade

European Dragon (w/ a Dragon Rider) vs. Chinese Dragon

My Concept Art for Shadowrun

Raphael vs. Casey Jones - Pg. 4

Raphael vs. Casey Jones - Pg.3

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Raphael vs. Casey Jones - Pg.2

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Raphael vs. Casey Jones - Pg.1

Monk Taming A Chinese Dragon

My Cthulhu Illustration

Lovecraftian Horror is my inspiration